[Impact] Yongle’s PhD dissertation won The SIGOPS Dennis M. Ritchie Thesis Award. Congrats Yongle!
[Impact] Received Meta 2022 Systems Research Award for CLP. Thanks Meta!
[Startup] CLP is deployed on Uber’s big data platform. In 2021, Uber’s growth eclipsed the capability of their existing log management tools, forcing them to start dropping Petabytes of INFO-level Spark logs due to scalability issues (e.g., capacity, SSD burn-out). We integrated CLP into their logging library (Log4j) on Uber’s big data platform, achieving a 169x compression ratio. Now, all logs are retained, and efficiently analyzed, at 169x less cost. Check out Uber’s Engineering Blog for more details. (Also checkout the Hacker News discussion.)
[Publication] Our ATC'22 paper on runtime performance is invited to publish in USENIX ;login:.
[Impact] HBASE-12187 and all its subtasks have been closed and implemented. HBase developers opened HBASE-12187 to address the issues we found in our OSDI'14 paper. It consists of 9 subtasks, including integrating Aspirator checks (the tool from our paper) as a check-in policy, use other static checkers including Coverity, thorough code review, etc.
[Publication] Our ctFS paper is invited to publish in USENIX ;login: and ACM TOS by FAST'22 PC.
[Startup] YScope, our startup to work on our open-source log compression and search technology, is launched.
[Impact] Aspirator is now part of Google’s error-prone static checker. See the pull request.
[Job] Yongle Zhang will join Purdue as an assistant professor! Congrats Yongle!!
[Job] Xu Zhao will join Facebook! Congrats Xu!!
[Impact] Xu Zhao won Facebook Fellowship! Congrats Xu!
[Impact] Our JVM warm-up paper is covered by The Next Platform.
[Impact] Caitie McCaffrey gave an amazing presentation on our Simple Testing paper in Papers We Love@QCon New York.
[Publication] We have two papers accepted by OSDI'16! Congratulations to Xu, Kirk, and Jack for their failure diagnosis paper, David, Adrian, Hailong, and Xin for their paper on JVM warm-up overhead!
[Job] Yongle will intern in Microsoft Research Redmond this summer.
[Publication] Our OSDI paper on failure analysis appears in usenix ;login:
[Impact] Our OSDI paper on distributed system failures prompted many online discussions:
Discussions from HBase developers, which prompted a series of reactions to address the problems we mentioned in the paper.
Twitter discussions, (if you’re looking for a screenshot that summarizes our paper, see this or this).
Blog: neverworkintheory.org, Another word for it, Metadata, Fifty Quick Ideas to Improve Your Tests, Postmortem lessons, Agilezilla, Some discussions on Google+.
And quite a few emails sent to us from developers…
[Impact] HBase developers will use aspirator, a simple bug finding tool described in our OSDI paper, as their compile-time checker!
[Publication] We have two papers accepted by OSDI'14!
[Job] 2014/4: Xu will go to the Bay area for a summer internship in Twitter.